Departure & Arrival Info

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Updated March 12th, 2025

Camper Travel Update

Arrival and departure days and times vary by session. Please carefully review this information and emails you receive about travel.

San Pedro Location for the Catalina Express

Campers will depart from and return to the Catalina Express terminal in San Pedro. Directions can be found here Catalina Express terminal in San Pedro

Parking at the terminal is free for the first hour, $2.00 for each hour after the first and $20.00 maximum per day.

Departure Dates

For all departures, please arrive at the terminal between 2:00 and 2:15 pm.

  • Session One departs on Tuesday, June 10, 2025, at 3:15 pm
  • Session Two departs on Tuesday, June 17, 2025, at 4:00 pm
  • Session Three departs on Wednesday, June 25, 2025, at 3:15 pm
  • Session Four departs on Wednesday, July 9, 2025, at 3:15 pm
  • Session Five departs on Wednesday, July 23, 2025, at 3:15 pm

Return Dates

All camp sessions return on Mondays. The exact return time will be in the emails you receive from Maria.

  • Session One returns Monday, June 16, 2025.
  • Session Two returns Monday, June 23, 2025.
  • Session Three returns Monday, July 7, 2025.
  • Session Four returns Monday, July 21, 2025.
  • Session Five returns Monday, August 4, 2025.

Please plan to be in the same spot as departure no later than 12 pm on the day your child returns.

Health & Safety at the Boat Terminal

Keeping campers and staff safe and healthy is our top priority. Limiting the number of people at the boat terminal will help us to achieve this goal.

Please do not bring extra adults or children who are not enrolled in camp to either drop-off or pick-up. We’d appreciate having only one adult per camper or group of campers. No siblings, neighbors, grandparents, friends, etc.

Please do not bring any pets to the boat terminal.

Parents will be asked to leave the boat terminal after their camper is checked in. We are not able to invite parents into the area where campers are waiting with their counselors and cabinmates. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to provide a safe experience for all of our campers.

Please read this information thoroughly and contact Maria (626-296-4040) with any questions.

Camper Drop-Off Procedures

The camp experience for most campers begins on the boat ride to Catalina Island.

Schedule of Events

Schedule of Events

  • 2:00 PM Arrive at Catalina Express terminal in San Pedro. Please see the map for directions
  • 2:00 PM Begin check-in procedure
  • 2:15 PM Campers begin forming cabin groups, meet counselors
  • 2:45 PM Begin loading the boat
  • 3:15 PM Boat departs for Catalina!

Baggage Procedure

When you arrive at the terminal, pull up to the Catalina Island Camps Sign and unload your luggage. Staff members and CITs (Counselors in Training) will be there to assist you. Park in the adjacent lot and follow the signs to the registration area with your camper.

Camper Check-In

There are two stations at the check-in area:

  • Registration: Check-in with Maria to get your cabin assignment and a name tag.
  • Medications: Go to this station only if your child is bringing medications to camp. Any medication being sent to camp must be turned in at this station. We will only accept medications in the original container with the camper’s name on it. Please do not allow your child to carry any medication in their luggage.

**Important note regarding medications: Please do not send vitamins or over-the-counter drugs with your child. We have an infirmary already stocked with the most commonly used over-the-counter medication, and our doctors and nurses will prescribe these as needed. Vitamins will be dispensed as prescription medications.

Camper Pick-Up Procedures

These procedures are to ensure the safety of your children. Please read them carefully!

When you arrive at the boat terminal in San Pedro, please park your car and make your way to the entrance of the terminal. Do not enter the terminal. You will find our check-in table to the right between the tents. CIC has a secure waiting area on the artificial turf for greeting campers when they return. Visit our staff person at the table to get entrance to this area.


The Quick Way

To be admitted to the waiting area, you must have photo identification and the emailed Fast Pass. You only need it for pick-up, not drop off. The staff member at the check-in table will compare your photo ID against your Fast Pass (on your phone or a printed copy) and will admit you into the waiting area. The Fast Pass will be emailed once your child arrives at camp.

The Not-So-Quick Way

If you don’t have your “Fast Pass”, you will be asked to show photo identification and we will compare to your child’s enrollment form to make sure that you are authorized to pick up your child before admitting you to the waiting area.

Another Not-So-Quick Way

If someone other than you will be picking up your child, you must call or email Maria (626-296-4040) by the Friday before your camper’s return. The person picking up your child will need to show their photo ID to the staff at the check-in table, who will check the ID against the name previously provided by you.

Campers will return to the Catalina Express Terminal in San Pedro at approximately 12:00 noon on Monday. A reminder email will be sent before the end of the session. Please plan to be on time to greet your returning camper…they will be excited to see you!

For safety reasons, you will not be allowed to wait on the dock. When the boat arrives, the campers will disembark into the waiting area. To help with the overall flow of many campers greeting their very excited parents, once you find your camper, please move outside the waiting area. Our staff needs the waiting area clear to unload the luggage. Once all of the luggage has been unloaded, the area will be opened to pick it up. You can not begin to pick up luggage until it has all been off-loaded. Please double-check the tags on your camper’s luggage – many bags look alike. Double-check to make sure you get all of it! Lost and found items will be stored until the end of September and then donated to a local charity.

Have Additional Questions?


Send Us A Message

If you’d rather speak to a team member, please give us a call!

(626) 296-4040

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